Sunday, 26 December 2010

What's in a name?

I thought I would offer up some of me musings on the title of this blog. Many who know me will know that I have spent the last two years or so recovering from Anorexia Nervosa, during the acute phase of which my meals consisted of mainly porridge cooked with water and apples. This self denial that originally stemmed from a desire for health ultimately resulted in desperate unhappiness, extreme social isolation and near death.

Since I have been endeavouring to regain my health (and my life!) I have embraced many changes including the realisation that an exciting and varied diet is not only necessary for physical health and vitality but also mental wellbeing and contentment. Food is so much more than an every day necessity, it can bring pleasure to an otherwise mundane daily routine, it brings people together – eating with other people is a social and emotionally bonding experience.
This is never more evident than during the current Christmas festivities – the time of year when food is clearly more than physical nourishment and is enjoyed in the companionship of our closest friends and family. Being able to enjoy this experience and a healthy relationship with food is an essential and integral part of the human experience.

This blog will be a record of my life as I continue in this journey of rediscovering the joy of food and remembering how to enjoy life whilst eating more than porridge for dinner.

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